
Thursday, February 5, 2015

keep blogging...

       I knew there would come a day that I would be so very grateful that I blogged every detail of our life in Brazil. Well, today is that day. I have lost all my photos on my laptop...our firsts of Brazil, the World Cup, sites of Brazil, Disneyland Vaca, and sadly Christmas and Dawson's Second Birthday...which I didn't have time to blog. Oh, I am devastated to say the least. I am so grateful I have blogged....and gives me that motivation to get going again...and keep blogging every beautiful detail of Brazil.
       We had a wonderful Christmas vacation/extended January stay. Dev came back early and we stayed with family until my littlest sister had her first baby. It was hard, but I am grateful it all worked out.
        Here are just a few photos I saved from my phone and sister from our visit "home".



I so hope I can find just a few Christmas photos on Presli's camera phone that she carried everywhere...fingers crossed!! I sure hope our container of belongings get here soon so I can have my hard drive...and back everything up.


  1. sad about losing your pix....Ill send you any that I took, but it seems that my camera was almost full..I m sure I got some,,,,Ill check....hope all is well there now~

  2. I know I have said this already, but BUMMER! Hopefully the memories of the fun times here will be burned in their memories(: Good for you to keep going and I know I probably have more photos too. . .Jayk and Jace keep watching the videos of themselves with Connor and Pres. So precious!! Love you!
